


Discovering Medjumbe Island 

Tucked away off Mozambique’s northern coast, Medjumbe Island offers a truly captivating getaway with lots of new discoveries for the intrepid traveller. Overview This island belongs to the Quirimbas Islands which is a part of the Quirimbas National Park in Mozambique. Resorts don’t crowd this 01 km…

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s Gift to the World 

An architect that garnered immense respect, Geoffrey Bawa has brought great pride to Sri Lanka. Let’s look at his life and his achievements along with the legacy left behind. 1) Beginnings Born in July 1919, Geoffrey Bawa was the son of Justice B.W.Bawa, a successful…


Golden Triangle Park 

The Golden Triangle is notoriously famous for drug trafficking that took place in the 1920s – but these days there are plenty on offer for tourists. Things to do and see Golden Triangle Park is famous for its scenic vistas. If you climb up to…