The whole of Zambia is simply a paradise for wildlife lovers! It’s one big wildlife sanctuary with a lot of unique and endangered animals.

Thornicroft’s Giraffe

It’s a rare subspecies of giraffes and they can be only found in the Luangwa Valley in Zambia. It’s shorter than the average giraffe and the coat patterns are quite unique.

African Wild Dog

These are also known as painted wolves. But to be true- they belong to neither dog nor wolf families. They are one of the best hunters in Africa.

Image by Pixabay

White Rhino

Are you planning to head to visit the Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park near Victoria Falls during your stay at Royal Livingstone Hotel by Anantara or any similar Livingstone hotel? Then, you have the perfect chance to see at least a few of the 11 white rhinos in Zambia.


Did you know there are only 6000-7000 cheetahs in this whole world? In Zambia, you can spot these shy creatures roaming here and there freely.

Cookson’s Wildebeest

It’s another rare creature that you can spot in the North Luangwa National Park. If you visit the park in the dry season, you’ll be able to spot large herds of them going in search of water.