Shooting has long been a popular sport in the Middle East, so it is no wonder that the United Arab Emirates has some of the best shooting ranges in the region. Shooting is now a past time for many of those that frequent the Caracal Shooting Club, however perhaps a century or so back it was a way of life for the nomadic tribesman that lived in the area.
Being a an accurate marksmen was important in those days as the tribesman used to hunt wild desert game for food and also the occasional feud with other tribes or invading armies would lead to a gunfight. Throughout the decades shooting and the love of beautiful guns became entwined with Middle Eastern culture and it spawned the establishment of shooting ranges such as the Caracal Shooting Club.
The Caracal Shooting club is the first of its kind in the city of Dubai; it is equipped with the latest technology that one would find on Olympic shooting ranges. The plush environs and the friendly service offered to visitors here make this an enjoyable and exciting venue to visit. Anyone can take part in shooting here, be they experienced marksmen or absolute novices to the sport.
Beginners are taken through a short introductory tour and given some basic instructions by the staff on the techniques of shooting, after that it’s a matter of choosing your gun and firing at the target. This facility boasts of a twenty five meter shooting range and also a simulated ten meter range, both of which are on par with international standards.
A lavishly furnished lobby and the adjoining coffee shop will provide ample entertainment and relaxation to those that accompany wannabe marksmen lest they prefer not to try their hand at shooting. A gift shop that sells Caracal Shooting Club merchandise is also located nearby should one want to buy a souvenir t-shirt, mug or key chain. The shooting range can be easily accessed by UAE Hotels such as Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Middle East. These Middle East Hotels offer great accommodation and the very best in hospitality.